My girlfriend will say that she supports my decision when she's sober, but when she's 10 shots in she'll act like choosing to be sober is a joke. How do you handle being on different levels with those you choose to share your time with?
Hi Stewart, The hard truth is to leave when the drinking gets to a certain level. My experience is to have a ways out. Not getting blocked in, calling Uber, ect…. I know that is easier said than done but your sobriety is the most important thing. Stay strong man. Keep reaching out.
I would look at the passages in the Bible that talks about being “unequally yoked”
When I first entered my sobriety, almost all my friends acted like this. Most of my relapses were caused but just giving in. Finally I had to commit to a mantra of if you respect me then you have to respect my sobriety. Some people didn’t get it. I didn’t cut all of them off, but I definitely walked away from social situations where they would kickoff. 7 years sober from drugs and I couldn’t have done it without my non-sober friends who respected and supported my sobriety.