Anxiety and being alone

Been out of rehab and rly isolated full of anxiety. Looking for a buddy or just someone to talk to. Feel free to reach out I would appreciate it.


Man I have been there, I never went to rehab, but the depression and anxiety in new sobriety are super familiar. The first few weeks were a haze for me of anxiety depression and insomnia. The insomnia is permanent for me but the other feelings have certainly gotten better. I suggest lots of meetings and meditation it will help

I start outpatient the 22nd hopefully they can give me something to bring my anxiety down even if it’s temporary so I can focus on things like meditation and reading..etc the obsessive thinking sucks for sure

Hi Andrew, I was extremely anxious coming out of rehab. I stayed in contact with some people from rehab. The was only one close to me. Outpatient helped. Had some homework. Refocusing helps but it hard in the beginning. You have to stop the negative thoughts and force positive ones. Sometimes I was stopping by negative thoughts several times a minute. I also play a lot of Mario Kart on my phone to occupy my brain. Zoom meetings help me a lot too. My anxiety would stop me from going in person.

Been better

Anxiety sucks but it does get better. After my IOP I met with an apron connected with the counselor. They'll help you find something that works. I don't want to recommend anything publicly, but if you want to contact me, I'll tell you. Be well. Stay busy!!!

APRN not apron... Sorry!

Check out the book "Rewire your brain" by John Arden. A whole chapter devoted to anxiety, how it progresses and how you can break the cycle without medications.

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I got you, Andrew!