Anxiety is bad

You’re not alone, I struggled with anxiety early on but with help from AA and therapy it was been reduced ten fold. Hang in there and work your recovery :pray:t3:


I don't know if it stops. I think being anxious is part of being aware of reality. Dumb people never seen anxious :laughing:

I wish I had words to help you. I know this feeling all too well, I’m almost 3 years sober and the anxiety still haunts me. I honestly have no reason to even be anxious, but here we are. I’m sorry you’re feeling this too :heart:

Prayers help me

I agree with what Luis said. People day "praying" but honestly, that's probably only get you so far. There are people in Gaza praying their a$$es off right now and that is getting them nowhere. AA is a great place, I mean, you gotta find the meeting that's comfortable for you, and find your group within the group. Once you have that, you are part of something and you have real solid support as well as being the support of others. Its very rewarding.

Hang in there.

Starting daily exercise program helped me out tremendously

Good morning I think it's pretty common. I'm 70 days in.
I think the anxiety comes from fear. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. You hang in there and if you need someone to talk to you know what to do. Keep your head up it does get better.