Anxiety is bad

Anxiety is so bad. I'm alcohol free for 84 days now. Does the anxiety ever stop? Or the fear of having anxiety. Any helpful words are welcome.


I get that! Off of benzodiazepines! Hard, but not hard! I like feeling feelings!

Anxiety is 1 of my biggest triggers, it lessened for me the more sober time I had under my belt. My emotions were still pretty crazy at 90 days but now at 18 mo not as bad

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Anxiety is something that I still deal with daily. I have a toolbox to help deal with it. I am much happier dealing with my anxiety now because my drinking doesn’t make it worse.

Just keep it moving one day at a time and I guarantee it will get better!

Prayers and excercise help me

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It does get better

When I got threw step 3 in aa. I asked God to release me of stress and anxiety and I would in return follow his path. Next day an overwhelming sensation came through me. I have lived anxiety stress free since. It works if you work it.


It's the garbage you tell yourself, anxiety is miss interpreted, butterflies in your stomach, excitement, the unknown etc. It's all in what you tell yourself and make it.

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This is definitely something you can work through, with baby steps at first maybe, and be rod of anxiety in the end. I highly recommend a good therapist who can help you along the way.

Had bad anxiety for probably 6 months before it went away. Panic attacks and all. It’s a gradual improvement but it does improve. You will come out on the other side!

I agree with Matt. Work on finding your toolbox to deal with anxiety attacks. I still have a handful from time to time, but learning new ways to deal is extremely helpful compared to turning to the bottle and making it worse.

2 and half years sober, Army Combat Vet, and anxiety is something I now look at as a helpful message going on within me. Nowadays, it’s like a veil covering my anxiety, because I keep working out like a maniac and live a healthy lifestyle. I’m currently a school teacher for kids with social and emotional disabilities who are all violent and aggressive, so my anxiety actually becomes a handy tool in sensing the subtle changes in their behavior to better adapt to their being overwhelmed, as well as manage their positive and negative behaviors. So, yeah, your anxiety changes over time, but you change over time as well. Keep rocking, Starlight; you got this.:metal:

A therapist along with some daily reflection may help you uncover the root of the anxiety. Anxiety is often based in a unspoken, unrecognizable fear. Sometimes the fear is of the ‘unknown’ - just a dark cloud looming around. When I am able to give the anxiety a name, an identity, then I can take control of the emotion, play it through to its bitter end and release its power over me that created the anxious feelings and thoughts. The numbing is no longer necessary.

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Yes it stops.
Do 90 meetings in 90 days. It will stop.

I had undiagnosed anxiety the first 2 years of my sobriety. Then I had a seizure due to anxiety. Now I am happily medicated and seizure free for 5yrs. Anxiety is just energy that needs to be released. You need to figure out how to tame that energy before it releases in a negative way (I.e. my seizure). Go to the Dr. Get some non-habit forming drugs (I take Zoloft). Meditate, breath, repeat.

Oh my heart goes out to you! I feel your pain through this tiny screen! Anxiety is a b*tch. So I have kind of a tool box because I don't just suffer from anxiety but I also have bipolar disorder with psychosis and tactile and visual hallucinations- so yea sometimes I feel and see things that aren't there just naturally so that in itself is very Anxiety provoking. I practice prayer (I'm very spiritual), I write poems and prose, I love deep breathing-you can look up tons of videos on YouTube to help you out with different approaches there, yoga (gentle, calming, long shavasana if youre looking on youtube), Guided meditation, grounding exercises like going outside barefoot and walking in the grass touching trees, naming 4 things you can see- 3 things you hear-2 things you can touch- 1 thing you can smell, ice cold showers.... I also take some supplements that help me but you have to check with your doctor first please please please... I take magnesium glycinate, L-theanine, Gaba, and melatonin at night... I also lovee herbal teas- chamomile, lemon balm, lavender, and sleepy time (even if it isn't sleepy time) to calm me. Hope something in there helps. Sending you lots of love :heart:

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Good morning Ashley

I also deal with depression and anxiety. I had to seek outside help for that. I just celebrated 23 years clean and sober. we do recover.

Have you saw help for your depression and anxiety?

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…another tool for your toolbox…if you feel like looking up The Tapping Solution…this might help?

Started by Nick Ortner and his siblings.
This has to do with tapping, emotional freedom technique.

Other tools which have helped with anxiety,
( I have yet to read the comments, which I try to read before suggesting anything / while am tired, just now ).:nerd_face:
Walking, hiking.
Breathing exercises.
There are so many ways to manage anxiety.

Wishing you the best and let us know what helps, works for you!

…I scrolled through the suggestions.
I love all of these options which are available to those of us who deal with anxiety.

Congratulations on reaching 84 days, Ashley!!

Good morning Ashley, first thing I want to say is congratulations on 84 days and I’m proud of you… have you tried box breathing? Have you tried meditation? These things really help for me. Things like going outside and closing my eyes and filling the wind listening to the birds and the sounds around me.. It really takes me outside of my stress and anxiety