Any advice?

Hi everyone.

Does anyone have any advice or tips on Fentanyl withdrawal - things to do to make it more comfortable - I know it’s not going to be “comfortable,” but just advice to get through those first week, I plan to use short term Suboxone after 24 hours but be done after a couple of days.
Thanks everyone.


Are you doing it solo or with drs?


I’ve accumulated as many comfort meds possible.
Nausea - stomach
Claudine & propanol
Xanax & tons of water
Annnnd hot bubble baths.

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I’ll be straight with you, go to detox. I done it 9 months ago from doing probably a gram a day or better for about 3 weeks, I went to jail and detoxed. I promise you that if thats possible that’s the best way to do it, I know it sucks, I know it takes time. Do not take Xanax.

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I'm all for using anything but the Xanax likely not going to help opioid withdrawal.....other benzos like Librium do that I've done at medical detox...... Before....for nausea zofean is best but phenegren is fine if ya got ....even Dramamine can help but only pic one ....ya just get tired and miserable on top many
You're biggest comfort is going to be the Suboxone......I know peeps are purists on here and don like it sometimes but that's what it's for.....
If you can taper down to sub 1mg I've seen it be pretty seamless sometimes....full disclosure, I've done usually alcohol detox but literally everyone I've been in there with and went through it with was on fentanyl so pretty versed at this point ....good :crossed_fingers:


Edit...zophran 0r odansetron generic name ....spelling ( withdrawal ing too lol)

U can do it

a tech at a medical detox told me the ugly truth one time and I will never forget it.
"you gotta diareah it out, puke it out, pee it out, sweat it out, yell it out, shake it out, and cry it out."
And "they're aint no easy way, plus that'll be something you will remember forever." Try the suboxone if you must but you will need to detox off of it sooner or later. A drug is a drug is a drug is a drug. Take it minute by minute if you have to, you can do this, prayers for you.

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Get to treatment

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You can have a stroke...if your not careful

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I have resources...get in touch if ya want it

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I'm in recovery at a next step program now..and we do recover...but go somewhere that will make sure your okay...doctors at your call and nurses

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My step brother is addicted to fentanyl. It's not easy to withdraw from it. My advice lots of NA meetings. To take the edge off try weed. But don't take my word, as I'm just an alcoholic.

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Friends friends and more friends. Ones that don’t use and can be there for you. And I hear longs baths help Good luck to you

Yeah, so Suboxone, Fentanyl, Xanax will cause more problems
It will take time, sleep, consider weed/edibles, if ur generally not a drinker, just a shot or two of Rye/Whiskey can all help take the edge off
Oh, did I mention sleep ? Lol
Yes, let it leave ur system, sweat it out, rest ur mind and be proud of urself for making this choice, good 4u !
And finally, SUPPORT
U need someone who's got ur back, to keep u motivated and on track
Good luck and take care :slightly_smiling_face: :purple_heart:

Be safe. Get support for your detoxing.

xanax or seroqiul

Okay, I'm a CPhT. First off Buprenorphine with Naloxone (generic for Suboxone, C-III class), and Xanax (or Alprazolam, C-IV class) are highly addictive drugs. Buprenorphine/Naloxone is really only good JUST for when you're starting on recovering and having withdrawal symptoms from opioids, or if you're strictly following the directions given to your doctor and not overusing the drug. Xanax is known to be good as a sleep aid, but is also known to be addictive as well as you can grow dependant on it just like the Suboxone. A better drug to combat insomnia, is Quetiapine (generic for Seroquel). Lower doses of this drug are to help with insomnia, but the higher doses help treat Schizophrenia. Be sure to consult with your Provider about these medications. Ultimately, if you misuse those two medications, you will have a very tough time having insurance cover the meds until a given date.

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How’s everything going?