Anybody else think this way

So started the whole why am sober and I didn't even have a problem drinking when I quit garbage. And im kinda thinking with the stress going through right now the fact of how badly part of me is saying I should drink to not deal with and feel it is exactly why I shouldn't!


Yes, you shouldn't

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There is not a problem in this world that drinking can solve.


That is the addiction trying to weasel its way back in. Sneaky little b@stard that it is. I have had them in the past and will have them again. I just say in my mind “STOP IT!”


So you're saying quitting wasn't a problem. But now that life is stressfull you should drink to relax. Never had this mindset with alcohol, but forsure with other stuff. Bad morning, rougher day. Buddy offers a bump at a get together that night. Never really like coke before so shouldn't be a problem. And down the rabbit hole we go.

addiction is a disease that tells you you don’t have a disease

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Spot on! I’ve found that my addiction loves playing the “We didn’t really have a problem because…” game.
My go-to reply is always that “normal” drinkers don’t question whether they drink too much.
Sending you good vibes- keep it up! :raised_hands:t3:


I’ve felt this as well. For me, the bottom line became “if I had to control my drinking, it was a problem”. I couldn’t say for sure that I was alcoholic, since I didn’t drink on the job, had no DUIs, etc… but I had to make a concerted effort to mind my Ps and Qs, and failed many times. Thus, I decided to surrender to the notion that I could drink like normal people :man_shrugging: Hope that helps

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