Anybody out there

Looking to connect with anyone recovering that is a little world weary due to years of dealing woth trauma on the job. Any er nurses cops military or even not that are tryong to stay clean despite npt being up all the time. Maybe you got bad paon or been kicled around some. Lately I dont get much from my mtgs or social networking cause i got 2 serious iissues and as soon as i bring em up its like i ruin the parade or something. Dont get me wrong im very cautious bringing stuff up graduaally but. it just has been very empty. Not looking fpr a therapist. Just someone who knows the limitations theor reality has created. Still sober 2 years and optimistic and get a nice jolt from the young people. There like candles.

Hi, John. Though I can't relate much I'm here for you. Feel free to send me a message anytime. Hang in there.

Thank you