Anyone ever slipped and then start giving yourself the excuse

Anyone ever slipped and then start giving yourself the excuse to drink again? How do you recover from this?


Yes for sure. You recover by working the 12 step program. What step are you on? Do you have a sponsor?

I've definitely been in this situation, really get honest with yourself about your mental and physical condition, your loved ones and the love you have for yourself :heart: nothing but the best hope for you

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I’m not familiar with the 12 step program

I “slipped” for 20 years straight. On January 1st of this year, I had my last drink and haven't looked back. You can do this.


Yeah, pretty much every addict everywhere has done this.

Don't beat yourself up. Figure out where you could have done a little better and start there.


Google AA Intergroup in your area and find a local AA meeting to go to. After the meeting ask the speaker to explain it to you.

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Identify the trigger,feeling, or inner voice that made you/gave you the idea of wanting to drink or told you "yeah, I can drink today". Recognize it & become familiar with the things that lead up to the "slip-up" and then do the inner work to push past it.

Like Taylor said, every addict has done this at one point or another. He is an insightful individual.


For me the emotional relapse happens way before the actual relapse. The things that have kept me sober as long as I have this time around is listening to spiritual teachers like eckhart tolle, taking my shoes off and planting my bare feet on the ground and meditate, and reminding myself on how far I've come. The mind is a powerful tool that you can use to your advantage or detriment ultimately we have to decide which one.

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