Anyone on a insomnia kick tonight. I gave up the

Anyone on a insomnia kick tonight. I gave up the tossing and turning couple hours ago. I thought hey a Epson salt lavender bath nope. Tea nope. It's just one of them nights. Better than being skunk drunk. Anyone else having that issue feel free to engage.


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Also why can't I upload a pic. After update been difficult. I get a error.

Memorial weekend is hard for me. As much counseling, EMDR sessions which made the trauma easier, Ill never forget the Brother/Sister hood who fought, then payed the ultimate sacrifice. Sorry if I'm talking alot. It's just my anxiety goes through the roof during Memorial weekend. Also October we lost 11 souls during route clearance operations Kandahar Afghanistan. Definitely not looking for any sorrys ect. We did it proudly. No regrets.

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