Are there anyone who uses subutex? Can someone help me

Are there anyone who uses subutex? Can someone help me or give me any advice on it? I have some questions for my journey

It's a miracle drug!!! You can slow to a stop with it a lot faster than with methadone in my opinion. It just closes up the receptors heroin opens up in the brain so no withdrawal AND using heroin while on it will send you into withdrawal. Good luck on your journey!!!!


When did you start taking it? How long after ?

So it depends on you. If your a perc addict it can help and if your a IV Fentanyl addict it most likely won’t help. But that is my opinion. I know plenty who used subutex, suboxone, and methadone. It is usually great until you stop taking it. Your withdrawals won’t be as severe but will last multiple weeks. Many go back to using thinking the withdrawals from opiates is better than withdrawals on these substitutes. You just change the dopeman to a doctor. Your still requiring a mood or mind altering substance to live life. I personally believe it’s better to figure a way to bite the bullet than to prolong using any substance. But, hey, whatever works for you. This is just in my experience..

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If it's a means to the harm reduction techniques I completely support it but if it's a crutch no way this program of recovery is about abstinence

Thank you guys for your advice it really helps and means a lot . I believe it will help I definitely understand the trade for a trade but I truly believe this will help me right now and definitely down the line I will do a taper to get off of it but as of right now I truly believe it will help. Me debating if I wanted to do a maintenance or go completely green has honestly made some just use even longer so I’m going to go back to what had helped me and worked for me before . One day thinking I can have fun had turned into a year of embarrassment/disappointment/and losses and I just want to remember how happy I was when I was being maintained

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What would you like to know? You can message me.

Hey cass. I would stay on it. I had the same problem as you. I would take suboxone at a low dose then wait until the next day and get high. Once I got high I went on a run thst lasted a couple months. I have now switched up. Still taking subs but at a much higher dose. And it is working great I have no urges. Yes I will eventually need to get off that but I’ll worry about that down the road. I want to build up enough clean time then illl worry about coming off. Also they have a suboxone shot similar to vivitrol. From what I understand that is much easier to come off. But there is no shame staying on subs. Your main priority should be to stop using opiates. Get that part down then worry about the rest.

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How long did you wait to take a sub after your last “use”?

It all depends on which opiate you are taking. Normally 24 hours, but if you are doing fentanyl I would wait 3 days maybe even 4 to avoid precip. You don’t want to go there

Took suboxone to get off heroin. Worked for me!

If you’ve been to treatment several times and you’ve relapsed a bunch of times, have been using heroin for several years or painkillers for a long time, I recommend you use this as maintenance. It’s what the doctors told me at Betty Ford Center. I’ve been in and out of recovery for 32 years. Opiates are my drug of choice. Heroin specifically. Talk to your doctor. Ultimately this decision is between you, your doctor, GOD and your sponsor. Some people will judge you but it’s none of their business. Wishing you all the best.

I would seek medical advice on this one. Everyone’s recovery is their own journey. Don’t worry about judgement. I’d rather see you alive and well working towards recovery. It takes a year after opiate abuse for the wiring in your brain to return to normal. Then when you are ready use a taper plan under a Doctors supervision.