As I approach day 100 of my sobriety I sit here stuck in my own head wondering why I feel more hated being sober than I was as a drunk .
In my case, it was because I was aware of it. I never realized how much I was hurting people.
That’s where I am today just filled with regret I guess
It’s part of the process Paul… hopefully you have support groups you can lean on and share.
I don’t
My suggestion you should attend AA meetings and share what you are going thru…. At the very least I believe it will lighten the weight you are carrying…. If not AA then any kind of support group you can get to.
It's hard to regain the people that you've lost. They need to see you're new now. Some welcomed me right away and others took much longer. I let it happen organically and never forced trust and forgiveness to happen. When you can, you say you're sorry and don't make excuses. You own what ever you did. First is being committed to being well. People will notice and begin to believe in you. I'm not an AA person. I chose to speak with a counselor one one. She's more of a friend now, 2 years later. We still text and talk once in a while. But do find someone to talk to, even if it's here making friends. People will support you. We've been through it.
Nothing changes if nothing changes
You have to get out of your own way,and do the work,simple but not easy ,if u put the work in you’ll get the results
Much of it is that you can now see it. Another part is that 100 days in, you feel like you've been changing for a long time... For those around you, however, that's a blip in time compared to how long they knew you prior.
It's a process.
The one thing about support groups that helped me, was being able to hear from others that had been through it as well as those of us currently fought through it. Helped me realize I wasn't alone and that things I was fixating on were not only temporary, but normal.
Like Luis said. This is unfortunately a normal part of getting sober. We did a lot of damage with our drinking. That’s where the A.A. program comes in to play. We removed the alcohol but we still have the isism. A program of recovery helps us work through the sadness and regret for our actions while we were drinking.
Hang in there, it will get better if you work for it.
In fact, A.A. gives us a list of promises. I suggest you read them. All of the promises have come true for me.