Back to Day 1

I was so determined to stay sober. It’s been 2 months (longest ever) but then I stumbled across a piece in my drawer by chance and IMMEDIATELY smoked it without hesitation. I’m so disappointed in myself. I didn’t even feel it, I could just taste it on my lip. Felt like one of my dreams where I come so close to using but never get to, except this was real. My cravings are through the roof and I’m fighting myself from texting people to try and find more. Fml


Don't be disappointed. Learn from it the next time you feel like picking up. I have had plenty of day one's. If I had a nickel for everyone, I am sure I would have a dollar, or two.
I am currently at 913 days.. 2 years, 6 months and 1 day.
I am glad to see you made it back, I know so many people that decided to use once and they are no longer here.
When you feel like picking up think of the people who love you and want you to recover. Think of how they would feel if you didn't make it back.
Not trying to make you feel bad. You are loved by many that want you back to before your addiction. Find peace in sobriety and live life again.


I’m so proud of you. Your resilience is inspiring

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Day 1 is okay! Don’t be hard on yourself. You’ve reflected on the fact that imbibing didn’t and doesn’t serve you. You now know that 2 months is possible! Use that as momentum. You are strong. You are focused. Focus on “just for today,” and soon it will be a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year…


It’s not easy to say no and turn your back on it specially the first 6 months. Look out for those things that God or evil puts on your way. learn to make the difference and let them pass by


Keep getting back up and don’t give up :pray: find another way …. Reach out for help near by if possible or phone a peer …. Whatever it takes

Thank you. I just can't fool myself. I am an addict and I love to escape. I found new ways to escape, sober ways. I go fishing all year. I take one to two days for myself to be in nature and absorb the silence of nature. It is meditation for the soul. Find your meditation for your soul and absorb that, instead of the other stuff.


Back to step one. We are powerless.

All good. Let’s just make it through today. I’m in the fight too

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Fight if you must, but the journey to freedom has already started.

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It took so much strength for you to let yourself be vulnerable and honest here! I am so proud of you. Use what you learned with this slip as a reminder of what you don’t want to go back to. I believe in you! 🩷❤️

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Bad deal.

This is part of the obsession of the mind. The cravings occur after we drink/use. The only way I got sober was by finding my Higher Power. The Big Book says that "No human power could have relieved our (disease)" but "God could and would if He were sought. I would highly recommend getting to meetings, getting a sponsor, praying daily, and asking God to remove the obsession from your mind. My brain always convinces me that it's ok to drink/use and that somehow, some way, this time it's going to be different. I'm praying for you Dominique! :pray:t2:

I love the acronym for SLIP - Sobriety Losing It's Priority