Back to feeling scared

Lately fear has crept back into my daily life. It's paralyzing!
I never felt it before because I drank it away.
I hide it well...lots of practice at hiding my feelings. There are going to be better days? right??


Oh man I know that feeling. Don’t worry it gets better


The old saying there’s nothing to fear but fear itself, is really important to think about. Cause honestly what is fear? It’s an emotional response to change. If you aren’t changing and growing you won’t have fear . So to the fear. Embrace it and turn it into motivation.


Steven, I’ve felt the fear and anxiety for many many years. Good ol’ alchohol was my calmer.
I’d learned to cover my feelings as well. Helluva lot way to be. FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. There are going to be Wonderful days ahead. Not perfect, but thinking more clearly makes it much easier to handle.

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