Bad liver

I’m 50 yo with a beautiful family. Gorgeous wife 4 children. Diagnosed with a bad liver. I wan to stop drinking to stay alive as long as I can but having a hard time.


You gotta push yourself to do even the littlest of things. And you gotta wanna truly be done with it! Keep your head up brother :fist_left:


Do it for you and do it for them. You can!

You have to change your patterns. Avoid people, places and situations were you would normally drink. Keep yourself constantly busy and distracted.

Find a Recovery Center and seek out people that are like you in regard to condition yet further along and sobriety. I promise that you will find if you look hard enough that the liver can more often than not feel pretty magnificently. Unfortunately there is always the point of no return.

Find some success stories. Follow those steps. Now. Before it is too late.

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May I suggest my hands down favorite online doctor Berg...he's on utube and a blessing to any/all of us with health issues...very excellent! Dr Berg

Wishing you happiness always!!