Bartender trapped in a bartender lifestyle

I’ve been not wanting to quit but needing to quit drinking and am still drinking half a bottle of whiskey a night. I’ve been a couple days sober but been climbing up the walls. I know it’s all freaking mental because I’ve quit for months before and didn’t go through any DT’s


I can also go long periods of time but when I get that text on a Friday, it triggers me to binge and if I do it takes days or weeks for me to stop.. just gets worse the more I do it so I gotta just stop.. rooting for you!


You’re not alone. Talk to someone who has been thru the process.

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Brian, welcome! I could quit drinking for long periods of time. But the obsession was there. And when I drank, it was to get drunk.
Drinking in the early days was fun, then became fun with some problems then eventually just problems.
I’m here if you ever want to talk


That’s a tough job when you want to quit. It’s also your source of income though. Do you work with any other bartenders that are going through the same thing? It is a mental and physical battle. And it sucks but it’s how us Loosid people are wired unfortunately. If you’re on this app, that’s a step in the right direction and says something about your wanting recovery. We all do. I wish you the very best and stay strong. Fight for your freedom from alcohol and a happier healthier life

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How’s it going Brian? I tried to DM you but I guess you have to accept it or something.

Doing well, just trying to keep busy so my mind doesn’t wonder. Trying not to white knuckle it