Better off dead

I know this is a very selfish thing to say. I know people have it worse than me. But I've tired so hard. I am so mentally drained! My body is shutting down. I don't have the energy to fight any longer. I am just a ghost looking for my body.


Hey Beck, I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. Rather than fighting so hard can you take some time just to rest? Maybe take a walk after a while, and eat something healthy?


Beck dear, this recent March I was in your shoes. I put myself in the hospital in the psychiatric unit. I got help. I feel so very much better. I got on better meds. I connected with people again. I was even my old 'helping people' self while I was in hospital. It helped build me back up. It gave me a refill.
I've got both physical and mental/emotional issues as well as Substance Use Disorder and codependency. Today, I'm recovering from all of it. I have my down days, my stay in bed days, but I also have days where I sparkle and shine. I'm so grateful that I took that step and didn't give in to the urge to give up on life.


Breath. Hang in there. Rooting for you.


Hey Brother - this is not selfish at all. Everyone has their stuff man and you’re allowed to feel however it is you feel. Just know that you are not alone and it does get better. I’ve had the same feelings before and in time, they got lighter and eventually faded in to occasional irrational thoughts rather than big emotions that felt like anchors pulling on my heart and soul. Keep fighting man, nothing about this is easy but I promise you the fight is worth it and I promise you; you are, in no way better of dead.

Give it hel* brother and keep on keepin on.

Much Love


Hey Beck :slightly_smiling_face:

I tried to message you but for whatever reason, I'm unable to.

I need to ask you, are you actively sui***al? Do you have a plan?

Don't feel ashamed, no matter your answer. It's important for you and for others to know how bad your situation is and only you can tell. I'm asking because you are worthy of life and happiness.

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At least you don’t have a brain injury from drinking and dying.. I have an aneoxic brain injury from it!

You're not alone Beck, just keep coming back and talk/write out what's going on. If you can get to meetings that would be HUGH in making a connection to your sanity!

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If you need a friend I’m here!!! Message me anytime!!! I know the feeling!!! It’s easier to talk to a complete stranger rather than talk to someone you know personally! In my opinion!


You are worth more than you give yourself credit for!!!

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Was a great movie!

"I want my two dollars"....

Prayers help

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This is not what she needs to hear! I’m sorry for your pain but projecting your life is worse than theirs is in poor taste to make that assumption. Sounds like you could really benefit from someone to talk to! Feel free to reach out! Have a blessed day :heart:

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Everyone is going through something if you don't like what I post then don't comment simple. I came here for support not to be chewed out I will not stand for that. Thank you very much ! I'm sorry yoi are going Through that. But everyone is dealing with something.

Hey average Joe's beat global gym also they almost lost to a girl who took beaver tranquilizer, let that sink in !!!!!in all I hope you have a great day remember things happen for a reason and things get better so hopefully this finds you in great sprits

I felt like you and felt that the old me finally died. But from the ashes the real me started. The program, the sober community, multiple sponsors and my new God that I created, helped me live a life worth living. I’ll friend request you now. I’m here if you want to talk.

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I’m proud of you Beck

Thank you for speaking up that shows a lot of power and a lot of strength. That is the hardest thing to say is I need help.

Do you have a sponsor? Are you working the steps? 

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