Binge eating

i've had excessive weight gain and now i'm overweight and don't know what to do

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Find a therapist who treats binge eating. Find a 12 step meeting (there should be something like OA, overeaters anonymous) in your area.

Many people have multiple issues with addiction. Sometimes it’s like whack a mole. You stop one, but then another one pops up. I myself have suffered with several at different times in my life. Whether it’s substances or obsessive compulsive behaviors, we are typically finding ways to avoid feeling our feelings. 12 step programs and therapy are working for me. I hope you can find some help too :pray::peace_symbol:❤‍🩹

Over eaters .is out there.

I had some significant weight gain in early sobriety. Sugar cravings, feeling like you need to always be putting something in your mouth.. it sucks. I don’t know how much weight you’ve gained or what binge eating looks like for you but if you truly feel like you’re binging to an unhealthy level then overeaters anonymous is out there. That said, also give yourself some grace and know that removing the drink from our hands is a huge change and it’s normal to try and find a substitute. Find some support and slowly start making healthy changes, understanding that it’s a marathon not a sprint. Sending you love and strength :yellow_heart:

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