Blah today at 29 days

Just blah today. Need motivation. What motivates you?

Hello again Erik: I didn't have “a banner day” today either. But you know what? I didn't pick up, so no matter what my disease might tell me, I'm a winner. Tomorrow I plan to wake up a bit earlier and to seize the day. I have no plans for using either. WE get better a day at a time. Thank-you. :+1::pray::blush::statue_of_liberty:

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I dont want to die like my friend

My motivation today is to have a better tomorrow. I have to ask myself what do I need to do today so that tomorrow's better.

John, you don't have to.

Are you in treatment?

Video games stimulate the brain believe it or not. That's me though. Lol

Listening &/or speaking at meetings.


Netflix movie “The Good Boy”.

Creative endeavors.


Helping others.


Et cetera…