Boredom rather than drinking, feeling the feels (even though they

Boredom rather than drinking, feeling the feels (even though they stink) rather than numbing, family, god, pets, health, good career and income, home, freedom, learning, growth


It gets better, I promise. What are you doing today to address your drinking? Are you an alcoholic? Did you pray today? The way I got out from my alcoholism was by actively working the 12 steps of AA. I pray every morning, then thank my Higher Power at night for another day sober. I had to tell on myself at every meeting I went to early on, and let people know what was happening with me. I then had to follow the suggestions of better people than I, who were able to stay sober a lot longer than I was.

Boredom is an underrated trigger. Good luck

Thanks guys, but the point of my gratitude was actually the positive of embracing both boredom and feelings without the need or desire to drink. I was acknowledging that and being grateful