Bridges burned relationships lost

My grandson, Noah, is the light of my life. Unfortunately, my addiction led me to make a terrible mistake by bringing drugs into our home while they were living with me. This has caused my step daughter to be angry and may result in me losing the chance to see Noah again. It is devastating news to me. Addiction is a powerful force that distorts our thinking and leads us to make harmful choices. I never intended to cause pain to my family, especially not to my beloved grandson. I understand that I have let them down, and I can only hope that one day they will be able to forgive me. I am working hard to overcome my addiction, not only for myself but also for the sake of my family. I know that I must show through my actions that I am committed to change. I am determined to regain the trust I have lost and demonstrate that I am dedicated to living a positive and healthy life.
Addiction lies to me with empty words and leaves behind broken lives.


Stay sober and leave the rest to God. And you will have your grandson back


Are you divorced?

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Not yet. She still has not made up her mind if our marriage is salvageable or not.

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Thank you. I believe this to be true

Are you divorced

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No decision has been made by her about whether our marriage can be saved or not.

the reason I quit drinking was because of my realization what I was doing to my kids. Although they’re both adults now, I finally had the aha moment that I couldn’t expect them to get their addictions under control if mine weren’t. I know you’re not supposed to quit for other people rly, but as a mother sometimes it’s easier (and more natural) to do things for your kids than for yourself. And remember the little eyes are always watching and bringing what they see into their own psyche.


I have gone through 15 inpatient and outpatient drug rehab programs, but each time I only did it for myself and always ended up relapsing. This time, I am taking a different approach and doing it not only for myself, but also for my wife, grandson, parents, and for their sake. I believe having this added motivation will help me stay clean this time. I was clean for 6 years from my drug of choice, but then I relapsed on April 15, 2024 because I thought I could handle it differently. I have come to realize that getting clean for someone else is possible, even though I used to think otherwise. Recovery is unique for everyone.

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Tony are you working the 12 steps w a sponsor?


I’ve been in inpatient rehab since 02 May. I get out on 01 August and then my sponsor and I will start step work. Again. For the 14 th time. This time I’m going to be committed to full time recovery


Let your actions reflect your words brother. Keep pushing forward. Choose your battles. Let Christ guide you. Keep the focus on being better than the last day. Be grateful in everything as best you can. You got this. Lace up your boots and get to work.


God Bless you David. Thank you brother for that kind and storing comment and sound advice. I

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It's tough man I get it. I been there a few times myself to. Things take time. You need time to get back on track and friends and family need time to heal as well. Don't rush things. Or at least try haha I know it can be hard.

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All things can be repaired by a loving Creator, and the work you do in the steps of recovery. Take care of your sobriety/clean time, follow the steps, exercise patience(you're going to need it) suggestions are usually based on people who've gone through similar situations, so pay attention and my prayers of healing are with you!

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Dear Brother Tony. Here you are now, at the crossroads of your life. Allow me to suggest that if you were a beautiful, majestic Snake, it might be time to shed the old skin, but that process is very painful n the old skin is stuck to every part of your body. You must go to the rough terrain, where sharp rocks n hard gravel will help you scrape off all that old skin. Not without pain! Not without resistance! This is your dilemma! The old Addict Tony must be scraped away n those Steps are the sharp tools to do the job! Old Tony n the obsession to use must be scraped away by rigorous honesty. Noah deserves that honourable, clean, responsable man. You deserve to be all in on the transformation! How beautiful that you get another chance to become the man you were meant to be. It is achieved One Day at a Time! Start now, praying for a clear vision of Noah’s best version of Grandpa! Let’s say Using is NOT an option. Because it would be disrespectful of the love that is between you! Why should you not have your self respect back? Just let the bad boy cool addict Mask go. Pick up the beautiful clean, loving n respectful Grandfather, husband n step dad role. It suits you. They want to trust you. Please allow them to once again. You can do this. Let it be the deepest desire of your heart n soul. And then step forward, into your new life. I will pray for you if that’s ok. Aug 4th I reach 38 years clean n Sober with Creator’s help. And Fellowship. I had to let my bad bad biker chick fade away. I scraped her off. Cause she wanted to steal my life n my joy. They trust n respect me now, many years but it took time. I want this for you! Grab it. We don’t have forever. Noah is waiting! Lots of love, Sky B​:star:❤‍🔥:dizzy::pray:t4::eagle::sun_with_face::sparkles:🪶🪶:sparkles:❤‍🔥❤‍🔥:star:


I am a proud veteran of the US Army and the US Navy. The camaraderie we share in the military cannot be compared anywhere else except in these rooms of recovery. Thank you for sharing your experience, strength, and hope, and wisdom with me, a complete stranger, who suffers from the same disease.. it is without parallel

This is the reason I joined the app today. My kids are young adults and I can see how my drinking is affecting them. I am new to this journey but am ready to make a change for them as well as myself. I know it’s not going to be easy or immediate to embrace a sober life but I’m here so it’s a start!


What a handsome little guy. Good job working to make yourself better. My daughter didn’t speak yo me for nearly 2 years. We are reunited and I can’t wait for grandkids

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Dear Tony thank you for your courageous service. Warriors are our Heroes but they get wounded in the process n as you know, the way back is hard not to mention cunning n baffling. You have that Warriors heart and now is the Time to use that pride n integrity to fill your Spirit with determination to walk this clean Road, one day at a time, honouring your true nature n holding your head up high again.There is no higher calling than our Service Persons n First Responders, who rush into harms way n stand strong for the rest of us.I am
Part of your Sober Family n I want you to reclaim your pride n the respect n trust of your family. Be the Hero of your own story. You have it in you! I can see you shining from here! Love n prayers. Creator/ God has our back. You can do this! Believe it. Love in Sobriety! Sky B​:dizzy:❤‍🔥🪶:pray:t4::sun_with_face::rainbow::eagle::eagle::eagle::star2:❤‍🔥

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