Broke sobriety last night feeling sad

Drank last night and ended up doing drugs and acid. Don’t understand why i do this to my self. Just feeling like i can’t get past it


The amount of times i relapsed after starting my journey can cause someone to look at me and think i never tried to get sober. People relapse because of something significant, like anxiety, depression, life change event , and people relapse just because. you can focus on why you did it all you want to but for one , it’s important to be kind to yourself. This is NOT an easy thing to do. Part of getting sober is actually wanting to get sober , but part of having the addiction is the self Sabotage , guilt and shame. You just cant give up. Go to a meeting , call someone . it’s okay to start over <3


Don’t beat yourself up about it!! I relapsed after 4 years being clean, I had just broke off a very bad relationship that ended after 18 years and I was a complete mess! Now I’ve been clean 8 months today !! Don’t feel bad about it just get up and start over again!! Stay strong and don’t give up!:pray::muscle:t4::heart:


Relapses happen man,no worries just another chance to figure out what didn't work and correct it, I have built it up and destroyed it too many times to count, give yourself a break

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Sucks bro drinking triggers

Stuff happens bro keep ur head up work a program and keep going one day at a time

Multiple days ones most of us experience, when it gets to where you are done, that’s when it will stick. That looks different in all of us but keep the faith, you will get there. Just remember how bad it feels every time and realize it’s never going to get better.

Hey bro, it happens. You can still get back on the horse