Can anyone relate?

I have 109 days clean and on day 100 my lovely wife asks me for a divorce. I’m losing my wife, my animals and my house. It not easy. She and I are still best friends. I can’t believe she stayed with me this long.

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3 years clean after my divorce this June. It does get better and I’m here if you need anything.


I was 3 months sober separated from my ex and she served me with a restraining order and she filed for full custody and I lost being able to see my kids for over a year. I didn’t draw a sober breath for nearly 2 years. I thought my kids would be better off without me so I completely gave up. My daughter came looking for me about a year and a half after not seeing my kids she told me her life got worse since I wasn’t in it. I’ve been sober ever since. I don’t know if that helps but that’s my story.


Thank you for sharing your story with me.

I promise it gets better was married for close to fifteen years then ex got tired of dealing with me in my addiction, we just gotta do what's right no matter how hard it is, we just can't use no matter what and things will just fall into place promise!!


Well I don't talk about it but I tried sobering up back in 2002 and when I was getting emotional with my self pity my wife started seeing my cousin and I caught her wow were getting a divorce it broke my heart so bad she was my soul mate so I thought she broke my spirits i got depressed for years and stayed drunk until a little over a year ago dont let what i did determine what you dobi didn't have aa i just discovered it a few years ago now but enough about that i hope you never let that demon called alcohol win and defeat you you have all the tools and it will all come back it take time remember we did this to ourselves by alcohol controlling us anyways be strong yoj have us here to be there whenever you want a chat. :broken_heart:

Has he tried Al-anon?