Can’t sleep! Help!

Can’t sleep!!!! Help!


Hi Vicky, I use meditation to help me fall asleep. I imagine myself playing a round of disc golf with my friends or kids. I have also done it with fishing. Stay strong and keep moving forward.

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Prayer helps me


I will listen to AA TAPES or ocean sounds etc and definitely pray.

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Meditation works wonders for me too!

If you REALLY can't Sleep, listen to an episode of Fresh Air on NPR, and you'll be in dreamland before you know it


Story of my life. Sleep sounds help me. Kava or chamomile help, PM yoga always helps. Lots of things help. My issue is physical pain more than anything but for the mental all of these help me pretty well. That and exercising regularly and just knowing when to give up on trying to sleep. Sometimes I just need a good 48-72hrs of going to wear my mind down.


Vicki, I struggle to sleep too. This helps every time without fail.
Close my eyes and count each breath on exhale. 30 exhales, then start at 1 again and again until I fall asleep. If I wake up, I do it again. Try it.


I struggled without sleep also, finally I addressed it with my doctor. Things are finally back to normal for me. Hang in there it will pass hopefully for you.


How is your night?

I go nutty then. It’s like I have to sleep to function

Last night was a bit better. Still have the sweats

I remember it well

I just get nutty when I don’t sleep. That’s what scares me.

Hi Vicki!
The sweats suck, and they can last a while. But as you know, you're just sweatin' out all the bad stuff!
For my restlessness, I take some supplements likel ashwagandah, GABA, L-theanine, magnesium. Sometimes one, sometimes all. I don't like overdoing melatonin, so I'm trying to stick to 1mg.
If you listen to podcasts, I love the "Sleep With Me" podcast. He tells nonsense stories that are hard to follow so you fall asleep lol!

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Praying helps

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Will check out podcasts

Hello vicki, have you practiced box breathing it really works for me.

I see many of us do. I gave up on being frustrated by it. I just stay up and do productive things. When i stopped worrying about sleeping it was liberating.

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