Can't seem to find anything to be happy about today

It's hard trying to recover from an eating disorder and alcoholism at the same time.


You’re alive :pray:t3:


You’re here today and there’s always new day tomorrow! Peace and blessings hopefully joy will come if not today in the morning! Stay strong sister!


Don’t drink and go to a meeting
Work the steps with a sponsor

Can you remember a time when you felt truly happy?

What's your favorite memory?

Erika, I know how you’re feeling. We get dry from time to time.
Simple actions help me in these dry times. Meditate on things I am grateful for, such as I’m not hungover! The people I love are ok. I don’t live in a war zone. Then I can get more granular and find appreciation for the little things.
It’s a daily practice, especially in the mornings. Sets up the rest of the day. But sometimes I need to meditate multiple times a day.
I hope this helps.
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?

Find a sponsor that also struggles with both ED and addiction. The two go hand in hand.