How to kill these urges??
Remember what that last drink was like. Keep that misery in the front of your mind. Play the tape. Make a meeting. Make a phone call.
I dont drink it’s the cocaine
Replace the word drink with the cocaine. It’s the same concept.
Go to a N/A meeting brother
Work the steps
Connect with other addicts and ask for help. Go to meetings. Ask for help. Pray.
In the short term, the urges are reduced by resisting and not giving into the urges. They’re also called cravings. Cravings fade as you continue to stay clean and sober.
But there’s also the obsession, which is a little different but every bit as likely to drive us to relapsing. For this you will have to have a very profound change in perspective - and that requires work. Get a sponsor and start working the Steps. Do this soon, and expeditiously!
God bless!
Feel ur pain! Coke & alcohol was a daily for me. I went to 3 meetings daily. Early morning 7am, afternoon and evening. The in person meetings really helped stop the cravings.
To break the vicious cycle I had to take drastic measures. I guess I really wanted to be free!
I had to go all in, 1,000%.
You can do this if you really want to! I hope this helps
Ask God to remove the obsession to pick up the first one. 90 meetings in 90 days.
I work out every day until I made it a habit
Work out in a gym?
Gym /apartment gym or cardio walking 4 miles
Careful about the whole “gym” thing. Lots of health benefits to the gym and physical fitness, but staying clean and sober is absolutely NOT one of them.
If that were the case, then rehab and treatment centers would be nothing but treadmills and exercise bikes. Also, if that were the case then doctors would just prescribe us all a membership to Planet Fitness and - poof, problem solved, addiction cured!
And also, there would never be an epidemic of drugs and addiction to begin with if all anyone had to do to beat it was start exercising more often.
Overcoming addiction is the hardest thing you’ll ever do, but there is a solution. Get together with recovered alcoholics and addicts. They know how to stay clean and sober and they’ll show you how to do it too!
Great advice
I kicked cocaine 18 years ago after being in a vicious cycle for years with it and hitting rock bottom after rock bottom after rock bottom. I had to go to rehab and it took time for the mental addiction to pass. It was a journey. Stay strong. Surround yourself with positive influences. People, places, things. It’s hard so hard but I promise you it’s not impossible. I’m living proof. Take care of yourself.
Thank you