Chapter 2 Just Incase you want to stop reading this now

Chapter 2

Just Incase you want to stop reading this now. This isn't going to a heroes journey J. Campbell style. Nor is this going to spiral into the anti hero which has become dominate for our television audience as of late or even a redemption arc of things resolve themselves at the end. This will just be some words typed out on typewriter. So where did we leave off in our story...

Headed east to the sun. I was headed in nowhere in particular that morning. Like most mornings I went wandering and usually got lost along my way, but same day or years down the road I always found my way home.

On this day I came across a fork, a talking duck and rain coat in the road.

Duck: A storms as coming.

I looked to at the sky nothing but blue sky for miles.

Me: if you say so.

Also note I never said it was going to be a well written story either.