College student suffering from addiction

i’m a college student suffering from drug addiction. after months of it destroying my life, i’m thinking today is the day i finally start my sober journey. any advice or encouragement is appreciated :heart:


Wow, thank you for your courage to share. Young sobriety is amazing, enjoyable and ...authentic! Go for it, you won't regret it :slight_smile:

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Do it Chloe. You have been given a blessing. A miracle. Wish I received it at your age. Reach out! Happy to listen or help!

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That’s where it all began for me…many moons ago. We are living in the age of recovery now. You are blessed to have the knowledge and the tools to get help at your fingertips. Be mindful of this every morning


Congratulations! It’s a journey worth the taking! Just stay sober today. Worry about tomorrow when you wake up. Keep doing that and you will get it.

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Stay away from anyone and anything associated with distracting you from being sober, that might mean cutting ties with good friends but if they truly care they will understand, let your yes be yes and your no be no, Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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Stay strong! You got this if you really want sobriety! One day at a time!

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thank you Cathy :heart: your words mean a lot. i hope you don’t mind if i reach out from time to time!

this is really important and something i’ve overlooked in the past. thank you for the advice :heart:

Please do. It will help me too! Any time! Friend me.

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Check with the student counselors. They may have a sobriety program on campus.

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Congratulations at a moment of clarity get with someone that’s been doing this for a while and works a program of recovery and ask them who you should ask. kind of weird but to stay in sobriety it takes a program that uses the word we a lot