Combining sober dates because I want to be 100 honest and not have 2 different dates although November 2023 was most significant, quitting after a long relapse of meth and pills, and it was my absolute rock bottom, living in my car,losing my mom,bad break up but I didn't quit drinking until 6-8-24 except one time on July 4th with family. So basically I weened myself on different dates. So to honor the whole thing as my sober journey. I want to combine my time into one date to be July 5th To be my "clean" slate. It's been on my mind since I posted about my first year clean of drugs, because I have a later date for drinking alcohol. It didn't feel right even though I have achieved that. So thank you for hearing me out! I want to remain honest with all aspects of life, especially when no one else is looking or there to correct me. This is a new season for me and being Genuine and Trustworthy is very important to me. Thank you all!