Coming down off a major bender and want to stop forever

I am scared that this will continue to ruin my life. I have to stop but not sure if I have the strength.


I found the strength when I never thought I’d ever would so you can too :pray: I suggest you attend meetings with peer support. Nothing changes if nothing changes


You can do it! Find support and other thing to fill that time. Mine was exercise and thankfully with summer here, golf, gardening, etc.


Every single one of us were in the exact same situation at one point. Now we are here and sober. You got this. Before you take the first drink remember this post.

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I am with you… I had a bender… the day I left rehab…. Guess who’s back( in my shady voice) I hope you stick with it & I want ya to know- you are NOT ALONE! I’m in your corner!!!!


Thank you Heidi I appreciate it!

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I’m with you on this brother. It’s a constant battle in my head. I just know life has something so much better in store for US.:heart:

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Hey Mike, congrats on the realization. It's time to think about what needs to take place to make this happen, and put that plan into action. We are all here for you bro!

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Your worst day sober is better than your best day using or drunk. Waking up sober at least you have a chance to stop digging the hole you find yourself in and start to climb out of it. It's not easy but definitely the better way, hang in there.

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You don’t ever need to go through that again. We all recover brother, the strength is in you.

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Thank you all today is a little better

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