Completed 14786 days

Here is my sobriety counter
Year : 40 Month : 5 Day : 23


40 years sober?! Absolute inspiration.

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That’s beautiful!!! I am nearly 40 years old. So that’s inspiration for me to see. Thank you for sharing your recovery.

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Wow. Congrats. You are an inspiration to people like me who are just starting my journey. I've spent the past 40 years drinking!

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@julia316414 :tada::tada: CONGRATULATIONS :tada::tada: on your 14786 days of sobriety.

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Congrats :tada:

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Hey sis, I'm almost to 40. Happy to see I m not alone. Sometimes, it feels lonely in the struggle

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So freaking awesome!

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Thank you :pray: it’s one day at a time .. Gods Grace

How fantastic! I understand what you’re saying I too feel that way at times. Feel free to reach out to me.. maybe we could exchange ph numbers?

Thank you :pray: :heart:

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Aww ty sweetheart


Thank you :pray:

Back at you :two_hearts: ODAAT

Ty , It’s a journey it’s definitely trudging at times like now my mom passed so a lot of raw emotions supporting my dad ( who’s sober 28 yrs .) life is rich


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Thank you sweetheart

You're welcome :blush:

Ty Tiffany :heart: