Completely defeated

No ketamine treatment consultation. the psych basically laughed in my face that i could never afford it. got prescribed f*cking lithium and vraylar but she wouldn’t give me seroquel which i’ve been prescribed for over a decade and cannot sleep without? it took so many buses and so much walking to get there all for nothing. i feel so miserable now. why do i even bother.


I hope you feel better soon. Ketamine (Spravato) only approved for MDD (Major Depressive Disorder).

If you are prescribed Li and Velar, you have been diagnosed with something else. Likely bipolar. Your doc could get in trouble for prescribing ketamine off lable for you. Goid luck!

Don’t give up. I saw your tracker and you have come so far! I’m sorry today didn’t go as planned. Tomorrow is another day to maybe find a different solution! I’m rooting for ya!


Don’t trade one drug for another…


i’m diagnosed with both bipolar and mdd:(

it has nothing to do with trading one drug for another?

Ketamine is used for bipolar too. There are clinics all over the place. Find another clinic. All you need is evidence of two or more medications not working. Hopefully the new meds will work. All is not lost. I know someone in your situation. Keep trying meds. I had to try over 30 medications and combinations of medications but what I have works for me now. Whatever you do don’t use That will make things worse

I’m so sorry, Luna. :frowning: it’s so difficult to find doctors that actually listen & don’t lump us all in the same category.

Check this out. I did it and I didn’t have to try every med in the universe.

Not saying you aren't bipolar. But i was diagnosed that way too. Ive taken every combination of psych meds available.

You know what's really messed up? I WANTED to be bipolar, or schizophrenic...
Because then im not an alcoholic, and in my crazy mind - still drink


That's the truth. Sure, i drink when im depressed; happy; bored; angry.

I drank on the worst day of my life; the best day of my life; to celebrate Secretary's Day or Native American LGBTQ Day (which i dont believe exists yet )

Point is:. I drink and do drugs because i like the way it feels. Period.

The ONLY day i have yet to not drink or get high, is a day that ive gone to a meeting. Thats a yet.

But its worked for a long time for me.

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that’s amazing! and yeah. i know i self medicated my borderline personality disorder, MDD, bipolar, anxiety, and PTSD with dope. and what sucks is it worked better than any medication i’ve been prescribed.

You can also find another doctor if you don’t like the one you saw. I still haven’t found one I really like.

Its hard, i know. The sooner you realize that there is no substance you can ingest that WILL FIX the way you feel, the better for you.

You can bandaid all that stuff with drugs and alcohol. I did it for 25 years. My life was a train wreck followed by nuclear bombs.

At my core, when i finally got honest with myself.. i realized i was a selfish, ego maniac with low self esteem.

My answer was i needed a complete moral psychi shift. I got that through working the 12 steps. Wish you well. Its daunting, but give it a try- what do you have to lose?


i think i’m gonna switch to this other one closer to me that is more experienced treating MICA patients. it took me four buses to get there and back yesterday

Try to come to New York City! I'm serious. I did 5 weeks intensive inpatient at the legendary Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. They're incredibly professional! Do you have friends out here? Look them up on the web. They've seen and treated everything under the sun. Zero BS. It changed my life for the better.

my fiancé almost died due to negligence at bellvue and also id honestly rather die than go inpatient lol

Luna, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m driving an AA friend for Ketamine treatments at the VA. I sent you a friend request, I might have some input but better in DM’s.

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