
Why why me? Why can’t I control the urge to drink. I didn’t drink though but it sucks just sucks to be the only one at a table not drinking…I am home safe and proud that I didn’t but it still sucked. It’s only been 9 days but darn it sucked. Will I think differently tomorrow when I wake up refreshed? Of course!!!! But tonight at dinner it just sucked. It’s a win! I keep telling myself. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


It will get better :pray: great job not giving in :raised_hands:


I never even liked having A DRINK with dinner. I wanted to get fucked up. Just having 1 or 2 drinks annoyed me. I had to have more. Normal people drink to have 1 drink, not to get fucked up. It's worth it in the end, hang in there!


Exactly the same. 10 months sober now


It is a win you can feel proud of. We’re all proud of you.

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I want a drink everyday. It’s not any better 4 and a half months sober

Life is better sober! Takes a minute to get there

Well done on not drinking when everyone else was! I couldn't be around alcohol for almost a year when I quit. My first social occasion was a Halloween party but I went with a sober friend and had a plan. It does get easier

It's a win. It might suck now, but un the long game of your health and happiness it's a win. That is the focus.:slightly_smiling_face:

I use to feel like that too. Now I feel blessed and happy that I don’t need or want a drink. I’m free from that😁

Good morning Cindy

We’ve all been there. So please don’t feel hopeless. There is a way out. I had to work the steps and have a psychic change to change my thinking. Because all I ever thought about was drinking or drugging. Or about how to get more. 

Once I started working the steps, I started changing my thinking my behaviors, my actions I started helping others, and one day at a time I got further away from the drink of the drug.

And the mental obsession went away. This can work for you too. I pray you give the steps a try…..
God bless you