
Very rarely do I get cravings these days but having a hard time today. It's been a rough day :disappointed:


Yeah that happens to me too. I just fast forward to memories of vicious hangovers. The cravings quickly evaporate.


I'm sorry you're having a rough day. Anything fun you did today at all?

Distraction is my most used coping mechanism. I try and drown my thoughts with the memories of being sick. How terrible I felt not being able to get outta bed. Missing priceless time with loved ones and then switch to happy sober memories. It’s a meditation practice that usually distracts me long enough for them to pass.


Sleep eat walk run whatever you have to do to make it through today! Tomorrow is a whole new day!!


Do you read the Bible at all? I have been writing it down as I read it to retain the information since I have ADHD, and man my cravings disappear when I’m spending time with God.

Hang in there, get to a meeting, call your sponsor or other alcoholics, we get to deal with life on life’s terms now, hopefully that helps :blush::pray:


It’s just a day, you got this!

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Doing much better thank you :blush:

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Feeling better today thank you everyone for the support

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