
I am 3 almost 4 years sober and the cravings are back, worse than before. Life has been stressful and the addict part of me just wants to pick all of my old habits back up and throw my sober streak away and it’s so hard to fight them off. I just want to not feel stressed and my mind going 100 mph and I keep telling myself drugs are not the way to do that. If I pick it back up I know I’ll loose everything I’ve worked so hard to get. My job, my family, everyone’s trust, my new relationship, I’ll loose everything. It’s so hard not to relapse right now.


Get through the day

Pray, pray, pray!!! Ask for the strength to make it another day. Ask for calmness of your thoughts. Don’t just pray and be thankful God for every single accomplishment you have been able to achieve since day one. Praying for you.

Please remember the struggles in the past that you had before you got sober.

Then remember God got you through that time in your life whenyou remember that pain that hopelessness that doubt that fear that life would never get better.

Please remember it did so what you’re going through today I know I can only imagine how tough it is.

But if you pick up it will 100% guaranteed get worse than it is now.

So don’t pick up no matter what we’ve got your back and most of all God does

This right here is why I stick incredibly close to AA. I have a home group, I am a sponsor, and if I don't go to meetings and share my story and listen to others this is where I am headed because my disease is always going to be a part of me. All I have is today, and daily prayers and meditation allow me to stick close to God and do His work well. I'm praying for you to find the strength to not pickup, and to do the next right thing no matter what. :pray:t2::muscle:t2::heart:

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Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?
Really works if you work it.

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You need a distraction. One that reminds you of your worth. Yoga, or dance or
something good for your body and your mind.

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Awesome you are reaching out. Do you have someone you can talk to or be with in person? That might help. Or a helpline to call? You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned life being stressful. That's the trigger for a lot of us! Perhaps someone that can break it down from there and focus on just today.