Crazy Pickup Lines

What's the craziest pickup line you've ever heard?

A guy told me my skin was smooth like peanut butter. :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now that I've think about it I should have asked if he was talking about crunchy because that is the only kind I like.

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The weirdest I've ever gotten was som car pulled up next to me and the girl in the car hollered, “I live your hat”. My wife who i was still dating at the time leaned up to look out the window and the girll then hollered, “ and your girl” and sped off.


These are hilarious :joy: someone recentl asked if I could teach them how to play video games as a way of flirting :face_with_monocle: not awful but it didn’t work lol

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At least the person wasn't (c)rude.

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