Cross addictions dragging me down

I just hit a year clean working the N.A. program and to my dismay I’m crazier than ever lol I thought I’d be cured by now​:weary: but in all seriousness my disease has been manifesting in some very unmanageable ways in the shape of hooking up and porn. Being a gay male these two things are widely accepted and considered the norm but for this addict they are no different than using dope and leave me just as spiritually bankrupt. My sponsor has tried tirelessly to help me but I just can’t seem to get it under control. I’ve tried SA SLAA and nothing seems to help. So hopefully me talking about it mixed with a pretty low moment last night is the rock bottom I need to want to see a change. Thanks for being part of my recovery :heart:


Omggg hii. I'm a trans woman and I'm battling the same exact thing. Mine started manifesting sexually at 10 months clean and now I'm at 17 months and it has been out of control. I have tried SA and SLAA as well and the only thing that helps me is CRYING TO MY HIGHER POWER. It really is harder for me to control my s3x addiction, than it is not to use drugs. Have u gotten a sponsor for SA? Made the circles of sexual behavior? Read the Green book of s3x addicts anonymous? I haven't really immersed myself in SA like I did NA/AA and I think that may be my problem. Keep in touch please. And I believe in US! :hugs:


Hey Ty so much for sharing. Yea I can relate it’s so much harder to shake the acting out sexually because essentially the plug is always with me :sweat_smile: and giving out free highs. But no I couldn’t get onboard with SA because they don’t support lgbt relations and SLAA was too broad and vague. I needed more firm outlines. So I’ve been trying to just apply my N.A. program since N.A. doesn’t address any substance it addresses the disease of addiction itself. What I do think helps is me just talking about it, to my sponsor and even here with you. So thank you

I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. Have you worked the 12 steps with a sponsor? Are you sponsoring anyone?

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I’m doing step 2 now with my sponsor and I’m nowhere near ready to take on a sponsee yet lol

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That is so awesome. I’m so proud of you through my own experience I promise you if you work the steps and fully surrender, you will have a life beyond your wildest dreams.

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I’m still kinda skeptical but I’m pushing forward :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m so sorry, I wish I could give you a hug. You are not alone.

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Thank you Greta 🫂🤗

Hey hey I go to slaa weekly because I feel you. As a meth addict trying to recover, certain apps and behaviors are incredible dangerous and so much harder to stop atleast in my case...

Really proud of you for recognizing this problem because it's what usually takes us out.... I'd recommend exploring working the steps in slaa or atleast getting more connected to the fellowship if you can find one with people you like... have you read the basic text or out of the shadows or anything else on sx addiction..

Also remember giving oneself grace is key in recovering from addiction like these as well as honestly. The way I've started was creating a set of healthy behaviors , a list of dangerous behaviors , and a list of behaviors that mean relapse in sx addiction.

Personally for me nothing is worth going back to active addiction and it's taken a lot of time and alot of loss to be willing to go to slaa. I'm just not ever going to have the full freedom I desire if I don't heal further... i hope this made sense and or helped a little msg me if you wanna talk


Hey thank you so much for your reply. Per my sponsors request I did try SA and SLAA my problem with them is creating my own boundaries and my own bottom line. I kind of see that as self sponsoring and left to my own devices I’m gonna get high lol but I’d love to talk more it seems you understand the relationship meth and se.x have and how certain apps and hooking up can take you to some places in recovery you don’t wanna be

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I’m proud of you. Believe that I believe and others believe. Just don’t use today don’t drink today go to meetings today. Reach out to another addic or Alcoholic today. Trying to get outside and help someone else and slowly but surely it will get better. Have a blessed day.

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