Currently struggling

I am one week away from making three months sober and on my way to getting my life back on track with a new job. Yet, my urge to go out and possibly drink is still there and getting worse. How do I or do yall have any advice to calm down in the moment you feel like you may relapse?


Move a muscle move a thought

Lots and lots of meetings in early sobriety helped me. I have much respect for the power of Easy does it and This too will pass. WE do recover!! Together WE can. You are not alone :pray:

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Hi! New here. I was sober for 3 years in my early 30s. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of returning to an unhealthy relationship. 2 years into that I relapsed. Upon leaving the relationship, life events piled on, Covid, etc. I’m sure this is a familiar story. I’m 40 now and have 9 days sober again.

When I was on my preferred path all those years ago, I looked for nighttime outings that didn’t involve drinking. I was in San Francisco at the time and there were all ages art exhibits and comedy clubs, music venues and food truck tastings. IDK if you’re in a big city, but if you are, there are probably amazing things to do. The exploration involved in finding activities was part of the fun for me and I’m looking forward to it again.

If you’re in a rural area, you may want to look for online activities for nights and evenings. What do you like to do? I’m sure you’d be able to find online meetups and forums where you can discuss and enjoy your favorite pastimes.

On a physical level, I like drinking Kava tea. In big cities, you can even find Kava bars to spend time at. You might meet a new, sober friend. Kava is a root that makes a very relaxing tea. It is completely non-habit forming. Be safe and consult your doctor. Small quantities are generally acceptable for those free of health conditions, but it is always best to pass your doctor a note about it first.

I hope this helps and Congratulations on your progress! Best in Everything!!

Jonathan, thanks for telling on yourself.
are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?
I had to go to meetings early mornings and nights every day, work the steps and really be proactive in my sobriety. Alcoholism is powerful, cunning and baffling!
I’m here if you want to talk.

I always try to do something that distracts my mind and takes the focus off drinking. I’m 33 days sober and for some reason my mind went there yesterday more than other days. It sucks but I distracted myself and woke up this morning feeling better and grateful that I didn’t cave. It’s not worth it. Keep in mind, I’ve heard it from many people here and from my therapist, that when you relapse it comes back with a vengeance and is so much worse. We’re all going to have days like that unfortunately but we have to push through it for our sobriety, happiness and health. You just have to give those temptations and feelings the big middle finger!