Cutting people out of my life

As I work the steps I am finding non sober people are of a different mindset. I recently had to break off a long term romantic relationship. Broken in two at this point. I’m working through it with my sponsor and my circle in A.A. Has not been an easy task but none of this work is…


I admire your efforts to stay sober! Any lengths right? It’s not easy. Simple yes. Easy no way! Keep doing the next right thing brother ODAAT


It’s all a process friend and I’m not alone! :pray::heart::palm_tree:


Nothing in the post is about distance. Although, because that person is in active alcoholism, I am distancing myself from her. I hope she comes back from this relapse. my focus is on my recovery.

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Hi, James.
Wishing you well.
I was the drunk in my relationship.

I had a two year streak of sobriety.
My being sober did not seem to help.
Our relationship was simply toxic.

Breakups s-ck.
You are most certainly not alone.

Glad that you are taking care of yourself.

And working with others.
It is painful…while you will get through this tough period.

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…also would like to add James…that I hope that your former partner chooses sobriety.

While right, we each have to do the work for our own selves.
As you mentioned, this work is not easy!

Hoping that you find some peace.
Keep going.

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