Dating: trials and tribulations

Hey y'all. I have been single for over 3 years now and I feel like I'm ready to start dating. I have tried the companion app and it seemed to go nowhere. I'm old fashioned, so I don't know much about this. Suggestions or advice? Thanks in advance! Keep going. Don't give up before the miracle happens. You matter!!
Be a voice, not an echo.

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I feel like after all my inner work . I don’t even know how to even start a conversation anymore :man_facepalming:t2:

Definitely feel you

Yeah exactly. I'm not the same person as I once was... Like, how transparent should I be?? Might be too much for some...


To a certain extend , all my past relationships where in active addiction. I feel like im so clueless too about when to lay it out on the table to someone but the rejection part because of my sobriety is also something i will have to face . Its confusing

IKR.. It seems like we're on to something here.. Maybe we should develop a class or a forum on here about this very thing...

I was thinking the same thing . Id be super interested!

I wonder how we go about that... Let's do some digging and find out. I'll let you know what I find out

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Same here