Day 1 again Battling internal thoughts Disappointed in my actions

Day 1 again

Battling internal thoughts

Disappointed in my actions.


You are still fighting!!! Yes you made a mistake... Acknowledged it... Take that and use it as fuel... Remember the feelings of disappointment and shame ONLY to help you fight harder! Don't let yourself fall into that dark hole of guilt and self destruction... You CAN do this! YOU are the ONLY one who can and that is terrifying and INCREDIBLY empowering too! We all mess up! I am proud of you for being honest, admitting it.... You are loved even by a stranger! I believe in YOU!


Today is a new day, you got this!

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How are you doing today? How was the podcast interview for you? I hope you get right back on-track. You know you can do it bc you have been doing it!

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Hey man, welcome back. Hang in there. Do something different next time you feel funky!

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You are powerful beyond belief. Speak life into your heart and pray with true surrender

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Thank you for the kind words.

Thank you Mandy

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Thank you for asking Liz. Podcast was great but I think it drained me trying to give all I had to help others, but Also maybe some pride at work there. I just am a bit disappointed that I chose going to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with my feelings when i realize that the past has no place for me. Im trying to hold myself back and I can see my character defects were through.

Thank you Taylor. I appreciate you sir.

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Thank you Miguel.

Thank you Yadi. I agree that I have to be willing to do what it takes, and I should be open to doing things differently.

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