Day 1 again

Tired of thinking I can socially drink. I can’t take the sickness, self loathing, ashamed feelings. Can’t remember what I did and don’t want to ask my adult children. I can do this. I have too.


Listen to sober Dave podcast? He addresses this fallacy all the time - very inspiring!

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It may help to tell yourself I'll drink tomorrow, then do the same tomorrow. Basically you are fooling your addiction which has been fooling you. The other aspect is meetings. I know most don't want to hear that.

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Do u have a sponsor?

Hi Lonnie, you have to take one day at a time. It’s not easy, but stay strong and hang in there and keep the faith.

One day at a time! Switch up your routine to see if something else can workn

I’m the same with the shameful guilt feelings. Agreed: you deserve better than sickness, self loathing, and feeling ashamed. Stick with it because you’re learning how! :raised_hands:

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No, I don’t even know what they do

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Just had to reset my tracker too. I always think I can socially drink and I literally just can’t anymore. I’ve been trying to take people’s advice of just taking it day by day. Saying I won’t drink TODAY. And that works until It doesn’t. Praying for you and hope you feel better soon

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Hey, can we be friends?

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Lonnie Good morning keep coming back don’t give up. Lift your head up and remember we all fall short. today is day one please don’t pick up today and tomorrow. Let us know you have day two.

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