Day 1 and new here

I just got through day one, clean off of drugs and booze. Have been really sad and depressed, but I know it will get better.

New to this app


Glad you’re here Erika! There are great people and resources here. Be open and willing and it will get better.


Hang in there. Reaching out has made a big difference for me. I'm glad you reached out here.

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Thank you everyone for the welcoming words 🩷

I am new to the app as well. I have been in recovery for a but now and have been where u are! Just know all u gotta do is try and reach out! We can’t do this alone ! Hope you hang in there we are here for u

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Keep your head up Erika!! Things will get better one day at a time!! Welcome!!

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Asking for help is a big step. You aren’t alone. Get to a meeting and be around sober ppl. There is a solution that is simple and has stood the test of time. Step One…..


Day 2, just downloaded this app as well.

Erika One day at a time and you can be sure of the promises that will happen. Proud of you!

It will, keep pushing forward. You got this, anytime things seem to get tough. Give it to God.

You’ve completed the hardest part , so stick-n stay !