Day 1. My hubs and I are both on day

Day 1. My hubs and I are both on day 1. He struggles with something different than me. First time he’s ever had to stop in over 5 years. He doesn’t want meetings or anything. I do. I need them. I know what’s coming ahead for us, try to explain to him the importance and benefits of help…..


It’s hard to get someone to come to meetings for their first time, or understand their importance. My hope is that you might find someone else who can shed some light on why meetings are so beneficial (community, sense of purpose, service..) but it’s also so much more - it’s the steps that work, just the meetings where people discuss their hope, strength, and experiences of the steps. “Some of us have tried to find an easier, softer way.. and the results were nil”
I usually talk to people who don’t want meetings and try to remember how I used to feel - scared; Uncomfortable.. and so I come from that place instead of trying to explain it all…

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Attraction, rather than promotion is the A.A. way. Show then with actions! Show them your improvement! They will see how far you've come and learn it is something for extra support. Just remember you can't control others though. You do what's right for you.

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