Day 22 Off Meth

Some reason after 22 days the urge is overwhelming me and I can’t seem to fall asleep. In need of advise or words of comfort cause I don’t know what the helll I’m doing anymore.


Are you going to NA meetings or some type of support group?

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Melatonin helped me
Hot baths
Anything but using!
Keep it up it will get better ❤️‍🩹


U may need some medical support

It’s been aa year from fentanyl and I still struggle somedays

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I've never done meth but have seen many people detox off it. It's looks miserable, but if you're at 22 days, I think you're nearly past the worst of the withdrawal. Stay strong so you don't have to start again on day 1.

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Where you are living is it possible to take long or short walks? Transcendental Meditation is working for me !
I’m using it daily to get deep rest and calm myself down. You can find tutorials on You Tube for it

You don't have to sleep. Sometimes the more you try the more it evades you. Just rest...even shut your eyes and just rest. Hang in there

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Just rest, and look to feel relaxation from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes. Whether you fall asleep is insignificant as you draw deeper into the feeling of utter relaxation. One breath at a time.