Day 3. I just want to sleep all day. Feeling

Day 3. I just want to sleep all day. Feeling angry.

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Those feelings are totally normal in the beginning. If you're angry and don't know why, it's probably the detox.


A chat with friends

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Those feelings are normal early in Sobriety. They do fade with time. You can do this.


Rhonda, welcome to Sobriety. Congrats on day 3! Remember to give yourself a break from time to time. Our bodies in detox go through a lot of chemical changes. Sleep is a way for our bodies and mind to recover. I know that I didn’t sleep during my addiction and the lack there of caused so much havoc on my body, mind and soul. If you can sleep for the next week, I’d do it. Take as many naps as need to get through detox. Have you contacted your doctor about detoxing? If you were a daily heavy drinker it is recommended to seek professional help. As detoxing from alcohol is deadly.
Have a wonderful day filled love and happiness and kindness and compassion for thy self. God is love.

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I hope you feel better today.

Be strong. Loosid family is here for you. They have helped me in so many ways!

I’m day 3 also!! Know how you feel

Day 3 is another day of victory. Your feelings are yours and yours alone and it’s ok to feel what you feel. Hang in, girl. You have already done an amazing and incredibly brave thing just getting to this day