Day 30 😱

In about 25 minutes I’ll be on day 30. This time feels different. I can feel my ways of coping and thinking changing. And I’m scared. I’m scared I’m not ready but I feel willing to do what my sponsor says. I can’t stop future tripping and worrying about things I can’t control. But I feel slight comfort in knowing that my higher power won’t put anything in front of me that I can’t handle. And while I may be uncomfortable and emotional for a while, I know that the only way to grow is to overcome hardship and challenge myself.


Chewcifur congratulations. I’m so proud of you. It warms my heart to see how excited you are. Keep up the amazing work. God bless you 

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Hey, Chewie!
This dude who's way wiser than me told me that sometimes our Higher Power gives us way more than we can possibly handle and in this way, we MUST rely on him because nothing else, even our own self will, cannot get us through.
I like to just get still and know he's at work, in my life. It always makes me feel better. I don't need to worry or plan.
I know that feeling you're having. It is different, this time. You have some tools and have seen the other side. The path narrows, just keep pushing through. The best life ever is on the other side.

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Thank you so much Taylor. This really helps me today. :sparkling_heart:

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Awww... that's cool

Someone told me the first 30 is the worst 30. You're going through so many physical and mental changes. Sometimes that will really freak you out. You're learning to live one day at a time. You are on the right road, don't give in now. You didn't get addicted in one day, you won't recover in one day. But you can get better day by day.

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