Day 40 😩

I relate to this a lot. I’m honestly not sure I ever was sane. I’m trying my best but it’s frustrating when all I’m told is just to pray pray pray.


I do the same thing there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Honor your sensitivities. But be willing to adjust. You sound like. A great person


If I have a resentment of any kind, I need to fix it as soon as possible. I talk to my sponsor right away and if I can’t get a hold of my sponsor, I don’t talk to someone there after the meeting about it. Takes care of it. Reach out ask for help People in the program can’t read your mind so you need to reach out and talk and they’ll be happy to talk to you about your resentments that you have. That’s what I do if you work.It


Feeling come back strong emotions it's wild I think but just take it one day at a time you got this and you have us to help us.

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Thanks Jac. I’m on day 43 now so this thread is definitely helping :sparkling_heart:

I remember theses feelings also, I’m nearing 2 years tomorrow and like everyone says one day at a time but it’s very important to feel those emotions and validate them. One day it will get less heavy. Great job on 40 days! So proud of you