Day 40 😩

Why am I so sensitive? Someone puts up a boundary and I decide to take it personally and then isolate.

I can’t shake this feeling like there’s no point in getting sober. I feel like I’m not strong enough to do this.

I’m mostly just venting but there’s some truth to these feelings.


Early sobriety I was really raw and emotions were intense. That’s my addiction messing with me! My addiction wants me back! Those feelings are not real. Just knowing that helps. Stay the course and do the 12 steps with a sponsor.
I’m here if you ever want to talk


These feelings are not real. These feelings are not real. These feelings are not real. Thank you.

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I’m sending you so much compassion :heart: it’s totally normal to feel xtra sensitive. I have 10 years and I have had to learn new tools because I’m sensitive by nature, it was substance that gave me some distance from vulnerability. I remember getting sober and If someone looked at me with any disappointment i would cry.
Just remember boundaries are about the other person’s needs and not a reflection of your worth. Keep reaching out


Thank you for this. I feel like I’m going to drink over this.

And I don’t want to.


I just shared about this at my home group on Wednesday night. If someone does or says something that offends you, explore that feeling. All anger is rooted in fear. I had to learn that the only things I can control are my actions, my reactions, and my inactions. I no longer try to arrange everything "to my liking". That's me trying to take my will back from God, and that's not how life works. I highly recommend daily prayer, getting a sponsor, getting to as many meetings as possible, and placing sobriety first. It's what worked for me, and millions of others just like us all over the world. Don't leave before the miracle happens!! :pray:t2::heart:

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It's tough when you feel like boundaries set by others hit you personally. Remember, taking care of yourself is important, and it's okay to have these feelings. You're stronger than you think, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Venting is good, and it's a positive step to acknowledge these feelings. If you need support, I'm here to listen.

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Don’t drink okay

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Thanks. A lot of my fear stems from abandonment issues and having a twisted concept of what love is. I don’t handle rejection well. I’ve been doing daily prayer (which I’m getting impatient and frustrated with), have a sponsor (almost on my 4th step which took me out last time) and have a home group that meets 4 times a day on zoom.

i have to remember to keep my sobriety first. I have to remember to keep reaching out. :sparkling_heart:


You can text me so we chat better about it

It sounds like you're exactly where you are supposed to be in this moment of time. As far as your 4th step in concerned, how long do you want to stay sick? Until we are ready to let go of all of our resentments, fears, and wrongdoings we stay sick. Who cares if you're resentful at prayers?!?!? You are TAKING THE ACTION!! You came here to get that off of your chest, and you turned to sober support!! I had to 4th step God and the Catholic church!! I had to 4th step myself!! “Resentment is the number-one offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else.” Don't let your 4th step take you out again!! God has big plans for you, brother!! :pray:t2: :heart:


Thank you Andrew. It doesn’t make this any easier but you make some very good points. As long as I’m taking action I’m working towards getting better.

I'll be frank- EFF your feelings! Feelings change with the breeze! What ACTIONS are you taking?? This is a conversation I've had with almost every single one of my sponsees. :pray:t2::pray:t2: Pray, pray, pray, and when you're done, pray again!! Stop trying to control everything, "Let go, and let God".


The best way for me to get out of my head is by being of service to others. Friends, family, coworkers, fellows in the program, etc. It works, and was the only thing that worked for me early on in my recovery.

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Aww...give yourself a break, Sweetheart. Sometimes, the best I can do is stay clean for one more day. If that's the best you did, that is no small feat! That is victory, Sir!!! :clap:
You are allowed to do human things and then draw away to consider your next move or feel your feelings. We addicts like to run around telling each other and ourselves not to isolate, without even understanding the ramifications of that. "Turtling" can be very effective for problem solving and processing difficult emotions and even triggers. Flailing and turtling and emerging victorious to come on this app and post your experience is brave and transparent.
Thank you for sharing. I adore it. I've learned a lot from you, today, Recovery Warrior! 🪖🔥


If you have 40 days Homie you have proven you are strong enough to see this thing through. I have to find ways to stay busy enough to stay out of my head. You are most important friend :muscle:

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Thank you very much.

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U welcome. Draw something.

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For Much of the time , I realize now that I couldn’t see the forest for the trees…… it’s so hard to find my way back to sanity because it’s been sooo long since I was sane :disappointed:. That’s where my meetings and sponsor comes in. Keep coming back , it works if you work it​:sunglasses: