Day one again

I was doing so well and fell again Thankful I get the opportunity to try again. Having a hard time with the guilt and feeling ashamed of myself. :confounded:


I don’t know if the guilt and shame (that we all have felt) are necessarily a bad thing? It is something that makes me want to stay sober when I think about the stupid things I’ve done while all loaded. But as long as you don’t dwell on the guilt, it’s okay to be remorseful. I’ve heard backslides are analogous to climbing a mountain: if you fall down half way up the mountain, do you start back at the bottom on your climb? No. You just dust yourself off, and pick up where you fell down.

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You aren’t starting from scratch. You have proven ability to refrain from drinking, and just get back into that mode.

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And last, look at the positives that you experienced from not drinking for awhile. The physical and mental health benefits are what you’re after, so as you know, you’ll feel better even after one day of not drinking. Stay positive. Feel the effects, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Just get back to being sober. Good luck, Dave

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Dear Day One Again. How lucky n brave you are to pick yourself up n jump back in! I always say Choose Life! Even if you are not a 12 Step Person, there seem to be three destinations for unchecked addiction. Jails, institutions, and the worst case scenario. Death. The end of options, choices, hopes n dreams. It does NOT have to be your story!! Consider this as the new Dawn on Day One! Please think
About how the slip or relapse happened. Write stuff down if you need to. Think about how you could have done things differently n maybe NOT used. Then use that to keep from using next time the cravings hit. Teach out before as opposed to after. Keeping you in my prayers tonight. You have another chance to do better. Lose the guilt n shame. Its useless. Let’s go forward. Seek your joy. Self care. You can do this. Lean on us. We got your back! Blessings. Sky B​:white_heart:🩵:blue_heart::blue_heart:🩵

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Reach Out!!

You can do this

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Welcome back

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Me too…. Ugh

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