Dealing with life on life’s terms and trying to self

Dealing with life on life’s terms and trying to self medicate to balance everything out. Anyone else feel as if they can stay sober and utilize the tools in the toolbox if they could manage their brain chemistry? I struggled with methamphetamines and fentanyl for nearly 5 years and have since parted ways from the slavery of those evil drugs however it has left me feeling like I don’t have the ability to function properly and can’t seem to find the joy from the pleasures in life that I once felt doing the things that I loved. Now I have been trying to balance myself out and have resorted to using cocaine which has its own set of obstacles and challenges to overcome. Just kind of feel lost and not wanting to give up I’m reaching out on multiple platforms to seek out some answers and find common solutions with other addicts. Thanks for any help, advice or suggestions that you may have for me y’all. :v:t2::heart::pray:t2:

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What, if I may ask seems to be the source of your pain, or whatever ot is that you are trying to escape?

Self medication is sadly part of the process for many of us. Replacing one bad thing for another. I know of folks who use(d) Kratos to get past illegal addictions su h as meth/h/fent... Successfully. The drawbacks seem minute in comparison.

I did too. Suboxone, many others that were far less effective. Drugs create a release of hor.ones and throw our natural biology off. The only way to heal holistically is through meditation, diet and exercise. AND not OR. Meditation to focus our growth and healing... doet to fuel it... exercise is most important bc it forces our body to begin. to try and rebalanced these hormones...

Anything short is a bandaid. If you want to truly heal you MUST put I. the work. Anything else lacks the reward you truly seek anyhow... Conformation, validation, accomplishment...




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Yes I agree I tried everything to get rid of my meth addiction switching from one drug to another just DOESNT WORK!!! It's picking a new seat on the Titanic eventually ur gonna drown.